

domenica 3 aprile 2011

How to enter the italian business market

A foreign investor can easily develop his presence on the Italian market in the following ways:

1) The creation of a secondary office, with an established delegation, implying necessarily the following concepts:
- economic and administrative dependence on the primary office;
- operative stability;
- representation in the behalf of the office toward the third parties.

According with the Supreme Court, the secondary office of a foreign company is subjected to Italian law about the publicity of social deeds on the Registration Office. As a matter of fact then the foreign office must be registered care of the Italian Registration Office – Registro delle Imprese.

2) Creation of a representative office, performing an auxiliary and preliminary functions for the access and penetration of the company in the Italian market;

3) Incorporation of an Italian company owned by the foreign investor, which implies the creation of a new juridical subject subjected to the Italian law.

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